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How Books Can Be a Source of Strength

Posted by Laurie J Cameron

What a year. Its been called a lot of things - and I won't repeat them here, but whew! Throughout 2020, when I needed insight and inspiration, I turned to books. Whether on the page or streaming in my earbuds, books are my go-to for wisdom and meaning-making. I enter in to a quiet conversation with the author and I come out more grounded, clear and inspired. I have no doubt that in 2021 as our pandemic life continues, the pile on my nightstand and cue in my audible app will remain a source of strength.

I was happy to see that my book, The Mindful Day, continued to move into the hands of organizations, companies, universities, healthcare workers, schools and friends in the US and Europe. Companies continue to share it - whole teams at T-Mobile and IBM recently received the gift of The Mindful Day. I loved hearing from readers - they find me through every channel and share how the book showed up in their life. My youngest reader, Celeste Nadelman (9), requested to read The Mindful Day as her summer reading book. My heart swelled when I found out! My oldest reader, Dick Powell (in his 80s) organized a book club of seniors at Rossmoore in California and they shared the book one chapter at a time.

First released in 2018, it turned out to be even more needed in 2020. It seems the stories, science-backed practices and practical ways to deepen our connection to ourselves, each other and our human experience is what's landing. We've got this! We can strengthen mindsets and build skills to minimize pain and maximize joy in simple, actionable, every day moments. Thank you for gifting the book to clients, teams, friends and family. Reach out to me if I can help you spread the word.

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