Leadership posts

Make Mindfulness a Habit (HBR)

Posted by Laurie J Cameron

Do you find it challenging to create a consistent, sustainable mindfulness practice? Choose a specific time for meditation each day and stick with it. Try the free meditation app, Insight Timer, to support your practice. You can meditate with me here on Insight Timer. You've got this.


We know the benefits of mindfulness — from less stress to steadier decision-making to emotional balance — and many of us have tried out meditation. But it’s hard to develop a consistent practice. The author offers four tips for making mindfulness a more regular part of your life, and therefore. First, try practicing with a group that can both hold you accountable and provide support when your commitment wavers. Second, decide on a time during which you’ll meditate and commit to it, no matter what. Third, you might work with an instructor who can give you advice on how to overcome some common derailers. Lastly, let go of any expectations you have about linear progress. Think of the times when meditating leaves you unsatisfied or even thinking that it isn‘t “working” as part of the process and even signs that you’re on the right track... Continue reading the original article written by Matthias Birk written on Harvard Business Review here.

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