Leadership posts

Mindfulness Resources: Favorite Sites, Apps and Books

Posted by Laurie J Cameron

In any bookstore or newsstand, there is now a wealth of resources available for learning, starting a meditation practice and deepening your understanding of mindfulness, compassion and leadership, but I am almost always asked when teaching programs for a list of what I recommend. For years I have been the geek with a stack on my nightstand, and our work at PurposeBlue integrates a lot of the teachings from resources below. So here they are... my personal favorites.

If you are interested in teaching and practicing mindfulness with kids, please see my post Mindfulness With Kids: Resources with great books and videos to use with children and/or in schools. I use those at home and when teaching to kids in schools.

Mindfulness Internet Sites

Greater Good Science Center at Berkeley

The Center for Healthy Minds

The Mind and Life Institute

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute

Mindful Magazine Online

PurposeBlue  You are here!

Mobile Apps

Insight Meditation Timer: has guided practices and different bells you can choose with a timer to have a ten-minute session - or whatever amount you like. You can track your sessions- helpful in not breaking the chain.

10% Happier: an app by news anchor Dan Harris. He also has a great podcast you can download.

Calm: for relaxation and sleeping. You can also easily use this for a 2-minute pause in the day.

Mindful Self-Compassion: MSC.

Whil.com - See the Search Inside Yourself module:  App and desktop access to guided meditations, Search Inside Yourself content, exercises and videos to continue your journey. Look for me and other PurposeBlue teachers - you will also see Mark Coleman, Lori Schwanbeck and Michelle Maldonado.

Guided Audio and Video Meditations

Tara Brach’s website: audio and video talks and guided meditations

Try this meditation to start your day: Smile Guided Meditation

Christopher Germer & Kristen Neff: Self-Compassion Meditations


Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain, Harvard Business Review

Meditation Nation, Tricycle

Mindful Leadership: The Key to Creating Successful Organizations for Which We All Want to Work, Huffington Post

How Humility Will Make You the Greatest Person Ever, Mindful

Books for Mindfulness, Emotions and Well-Being

The Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh (All Books by Thich Nhat Hanh)

Real Happiness, Sharon Salzburg

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Radical Acceptance, Tara Brach

Search Inside Yourself, Chade Meng Tan

Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change, Pema Chodron

Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg

The Emotional Life of the Brain, Dr. Richard Davidson

The Mindful Brain, Dan Siegel

Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom, Rick Hanson

Coming to our Senses, Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, Christopher Germer

Joy On Demand, Chade Meng-Tan

The Happiness Track: How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success, Emma Seppala

Everyday Mindfulness, Laurie Cameron (Forthcoming with National Geographic!)

Books For Mindfulness and Leadership at Work

Centered Leadership, Joanna Barsh

Theory U, Otto Scharmer

Presence, Scharmer, Senge and Jaworski

Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, Daniel Siegel

Training the Brain: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman with Dr. Richard Davidson

Mindfulness at Work: How Meditation is Changing Business From the Inside Out, David Gelles

Emotional Intelligence at Work, Daniel Goleman

Leading Consciously, Debashis Chatterjee

Becoming Wise, Krista Tippett

Mindfulness in Higher Education & Business

Neuroscience of Learning and Development, Edited by Marilee Bresciani, contributions from Stanford and others; Chapter by Laurie Cameron:  A Mindful Approach to Navigating Change


Applied Mindfulness in Business and Life with Jon Kabat-Zinn

How Great Leaders Inspire Action, Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk

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