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What’s Keeping Me Centered in the Midst of a Whirlwind Book Launch

Posted by Laurie J Cameron

I stepped outside this morning into the intense sunshine with my barefeet in the new spring grass, the deep pink magnolia blossoms moving overhead from a very old tree in our yard. It is chilly (again!) for April in DC, but there is nothing like having my feet on the earth and listening to nature's symphony of birds to ground me after a busy stretch of being so out in the world.

The book launched 3 weeks ago, and I have experienced whole new levels of both vulnerability and connection - because while this book is built on science and research, it is woven with stories from my own life and written through my own lens - and it is out there - and then I stepped out there with it! And while I am used to speaking and being with groups of all sizes - this has stretched me - emotionally, spiritually and physically. Breathe.

A series of bookstore author talks, corporate talks, a federal government two-day intensive, speaking at schools, webinar virtual sessions, podcasts, radio interviews, and loving celebrations - even a TEDx talk - have all happened in the last three weeks. The tour is requiring me to deepen my commitment to the routines and practices I shared with you in the book - that to sustain well-being and performance I need recovery and renewal. Being in nature, sitting in stillness to let things quiet down, journaling for clarity and insight, practicing self-compassion for the hard moments (before stepping on stage at TEDx) acceptance, gratitude, and saying yes to upcoming projects that serve a greater good REALLY WORKS! (Smile!)

And with the humblest and deepest bow I thank you for sending me your emails, texts, social media messages, photos of you and/or the book on ski slopes, at the beach, at your office desk, in the desert, in your bed, on your kindle - and hearing your responses and feedback. Please keep those coming! They are my daily fuel, and it brings to life our community and that we are on this journey together.

One of the brand-new stretch experiences was being a guest on a live radio show with callers dialing in from across Canada. It was a joy to hear their comments and engage live with them. You can listen to that interview below by clicking on the image.

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